Delivery is available on all items.
We deliver to Keighley and the surrounding areas as well as anywhere within a 30-mile radius. You can check to see if we deliver to your address in the checkout section. If your post code is outside of our usual delivery zone, then give us a call on 01535 611222, send an email to , or use our ‘Contact Us’ page to get in touch, as we may still be able to deliver to you.
Please note that delivery is to the kerbside/roadside only, as our insurance does not permit us to deliver goods into properties, including back gardens, so please ensure that you have made your own arrangements for the transportation of goods once they have been unloaded.
Once your order has been approved, you will be notified of any delivery time frames. It’s crucial that you leave accurate contact details on your order, as we will call prior to all deliveries to ensure someone is on site to sign for the receipt of the goods.
If we can’t get in touch via phone, then we will email to ask you to get in touch to arrange delivery. If contact cannot be made, then delivery will not be attempted.
We aim to deliver on the same day or next day where possible, and some deliveries may take up to 3 business days. There may be some very rare instances where the delivery date falls outside of this. It’s recommended that you do not book any contractors to carry out any work until the goods have been delivered, as we will not be held accountable for any contractor charges.
All delivery prices are exclusive of Vat.